The D.T. Simpson store in the early 1900s. The sign
on the left side of the building reads, "We Sell
Shoes Made By/ Rice & Hutchins/ World Shoemakers
For The Whole Family". Rice and Hutchins was one
of the largest shoe companies in the U.S. at that
time, and many stores sold their wares. The hand pump
in front of the building was the town's only
public water supply, and virtually the only source of
water during the 1911 fire. To the right of the
building is seen two of the three stores that were
once in the area that is now a parking lot, one of
them had been Kemp's drug store seen in photo
101. Two of these buildings were later demolished and
the third smaller one (shown in postcard #16 in the
post card gallery, but not seen in this photo) was
moved 29241 Backtown Rd. and is now the structure
behind Defender House. Photo courtesy of Ira Nelson
Jr. & Charles B. Adams Jr.