3. "High School and Lawn, Trappe, Md." [printed upper left corner]; shows front yard with line of children, one holding a bicycle, school in background, trees have leaves; color printed card. Reverse: divided card; one copy postmarked Trappe Aug. ?, 1918 used on p. 79 of Preston; Trappe, The Story of an Old Fashioned Town, where the date is stated as 1919; makers name printed up left edge "D. T. Simpson & Son, Trappe, Md".; "No. 8842" lower right
William Galen Vansant, Principal of Trappe High School, 1913-15 took
this picture with an old fashioned box camera. As he remembers it,
Rembert Simpson a Trappe merchant sent the original picture to Germany
and had the post cards made there.